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This table shows telephone search results.
NameInformationInternal extensionExternal number
Ingram David M ProfCollege of Science & Engineering5190220131 651 9022
Jack David MrEstates5095360131 650 9536
Kaufman David DrHistory, Classics & Archaeology5138570131 651 3857
Kelly David MrBiological Sciences5075250131 650 7525
Kenwright DavidCentre Cardiovascular Science (CCVS)0131 242 9220
Kerrigan DavidMedicine & Vet Med0131 242 9491
Kluth David DrCentre Inflammation Research0131 242 6684
Laurenson David I DrCollege of Science & Engineering5055790131 650 5579
Leach David R F ProfBiological Sciences5053730131 650 5373
Levy David DrPPLS5099430131 650 9943
Lewis DavidHistory, Classics & Archaeology5038510131 650 3851
Liewald David C M MrPPLS5083300131 650 8330
Lonergan DavidCentre for Inflammation Research0131 242 9201
Lyall DavidISG5032680131 650 3268
Lyons David DrNeuroregeneration Ctr0131 242 7986
Marsh David MrMathematics & Statistics5051110131 650 5111
Marshall David W ProfBusiness School5038220131 650 3822
Matheson DavidGASP - Legal Services5081790131 650 8179
McAllister David DrSITC0131 242 6428
McCabe DavidCollege of Science & Engineering5056950131 650 5695