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Found 141 phone number results.

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Found 141 email address results.

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This table shows telephone search results.
NameInformationInternal extensionExternal number
Collie David DrEaster Bush Campus5191620131 651 9162
David Adele MsEdinburgh Global5150960131 651 5096
David StoryMedicine & Vet Med0131 242 9433
Davies David MrEaster Bush Campus5194030131 651 9403
Dewhurst David ProfMedicine & Vet Med5115640131 651 1564
Dickie DavidMedicine & Vet Med0131 242 6262
Dockrell David ProfCentre Inflammation Research0131 242 6581
Donaldson David DrEaster Bush Campus5191170131 651 9117
Dorman David MrEstates5192780131 651 9278
Elsmore David MrIS Library & Collections5115170131 651 1517
Farrier David DrEnglish Literature5036070131 650 3607
Ferenbach DavidCentre for Inflammation Research0131 242 6685
Fergusson David DrIS - IT - Infrastructure - Research Services5176400131 651 7640
Fergusson David ProfDivinity5089120131 650 8912
Fineran Paul DavidIRC HUB0131 242 9180
Finnegan David J ProfBiological Sciences5053770131 650 5377
Fitzpatrick David ProfIGMM5185690131 651 8569
Fitzpatrick David ProfMRC Human Genetics Unit0131 467 8423
Foggo David MrIS Applications5099520131 650 9952
Forehand David DrCollege of Science & Engineering5135750131 651 3575