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Found 1063 results from
Drug markets and pre-made futures – Dark matters
23 Mar 2022: Nutt, David , Trevor W. Robbins, and Gerry Stimson. 2007. ‘Chapter 1 – Drugs Futures 2025’.
News: Edinburgh (Autumn 2006)
19 Oct 2006: Although distinctly devoid of extraordinary shows, a few EAF highlights included David Batchelor at The Palm House in the Royal Botanic Garden, new paintings by Monya Flannigan at Doggerfisher and recent ... prints by David Shrigley at Edinburgh
The non-Markovian nature of turbulence 1: A puzzling aspect of the pioneering two-point closures. – David McComb on the Physics of Turbulence
13 Oct 2022: Any views expressed within media held on this service are those of the contributors, should not be taken as approved or endorsed by the University, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University in respect of any particular issue. The non
Teaching in the Environmental Humanities – EEHN
16 Aug 2022: For more information, keep an eye on the EEHN webpage. To join the network mailing list, please email david
John Dupré Gifford Lecture 2: Evolution – Edinburgh Gifford Lectures Blog
03 May 2023: 1] Notice that the philosophy of biology is later pioneered mostly by anti-essentialist philosophers, among whom Ernst Mayr and David Hull are Dupre’s favourite.
Feeling the Anthropocene: Air, Rock, Flesh – EEHN
16 Aug 2022: Discussants | Franklin Ginn (Geography), Craig Martin (ECA), Emily Brady (Geography), David Farrier (English), Andrew Patrizio (ECA), Michelle Bastian (ECA),.
My-EDUCAUSE, Anaheim 2013 – Educational Design and Engagement
13 Dec 2013: David Collery from RealizeIt talked about his company’s adaptive learning implementation at the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) with 42,000 students.
Edinburgh and Dundee
20 Apr 2007: A new range of oil paintings and small bronze medallions will focus on the motif of Pierrot the clown, a naïve bohemian from the Comedia dell’Arte famously revived by David
November 2021 – Laurence Bell / Digital Education: Strategy and Policy
David Teece’s paper on, ‘Managing the university: Why “organised anarchy” is unacceptable in the age of massive open online courses’ (2018) highlights many of these parallels well.
Geology Poems from the Here and the Beyond – Working & Learning at the University of Edinburgh – Student Ambassador, Geologist, Red Lichtie
02 Oct 2020: The Friendship of David Balfour and James Hutton. My name is David Balfour you see,. ... That slips a wee smile on my face as I remember David Hume:.