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Alumni profile | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: Thank you for your interest in providing a mini interview. Please complete the following sections as fully as you can.
Solar Photocatalysis | Robertson Research Group
13 Feb 2025: Phone: 0131 650 4755. University of Edinburgh, Joseph Black Building, David Brewster Road, Edinburgh, Scotland EH9 3FJ.
Stuart Johnston | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: Stuart shares with us how his studies at Edinburgh helped shape his life.
Mykel Kochenderfer | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: The Director of Stanford Intelligent Systems Laboratory has such fond memories of Edinburgh that he brought students on a study visit.
Informatics work towards drought prediction model accepted for ICML workshop | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: [2021] Pavlos Andreadis and three 4th year students: Calum McMeekin, Christoph Minixhofer, Mark Swan, authored a paper which takes a significant step towards a global drought prediction model and enables future such research by creating the first
David McDwyer
13 Feb 2025: Search:. Search. Menu. David McDwyer. ... David McDwyer. Studying is a team effort, you work with students on problem sets and give each other the moral support required.
Informatics student named the Undergraduate of the Year | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: [26/04/2024] John Sykes, a 3rd year Computer Science student won the 2024 targetjobs Undergraduate of the Year Award in the category of Software Engineering. This year's award ceremony took place on Friday 26 April in London’s Canary Wharf.
Valentino Braitenberg winner | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: [2016] Professor Emeritus David Willshaw has been awarded the Valentino Braitenberg Award for Computational Neuroscience.
Dr Goldwater wins BCS Award | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: [2016] Sharon Goldwater has won the BCS Roger Needham award for outstanding work in computational linguistics.
Bonnie Webber awarded 2020 ACL Lifetime Achievement Award | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: [2020] Bonnie Webber was awarded 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award by the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).