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Why study here? | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: The University of Edinburgh is one of the world's top institutions for the study of Informatics.
News archive | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: All the news from previous years.
Michael Mangan | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: Michael Mangan, a PhD graduate in Robotics talks about his proudest achievements and how he learnt invaluable lessons in how to bring an idea from the research lab to a commercial product.
Student Life | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: Frequently asked questions on student life in the School of Informatics and the University of Edinburgh.
Student societies | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: Our School hosts student-led societies, groups and teams covering a wide range of interests that are open to all. From tech societies to intramural sports teams, there's something for everyone.
Arun Raja | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: In 2021, Arun graduated with BSc Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. He tells about studying during the Covid-19 pandemic and the importance of friendship.
Chris Ellis | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: MSc graduate Chris Ellis tells us about his reasons for studying at the School of Informatics.
Tim Willis | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: Dr Tim Willis studied for an MSc and then a PhD at the School of Informatics and has subsequently gone on to found his own company.
Mike McQuaid | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: Software engineer Mike McQuaid talks about how Edinburgh stimulated an appetite for learning that has led to a career he loves.
Gordon Plotkin Receives EATCS Award 2014 | School of Informatics
19 Sep 2024: [2015] Prof. Gordon Plotkin has been given the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science Award for "his lifetime contribution of a research corpus of exceptional depth and influence across a broad range of areas within theoretical