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The Great Risk Transfer - have we got the balance right? – University of Edinburgh Business School
Join us to consider whether exposing people to greater financial risk is undermining the work of building a healthy, more sustainable economy.
Alumni & Friends Discussion (Edinburgh): What are digital assets as things in the law of property? | Edinburgh Law School
Join Edinburgh Law School for an Alumni & Friends Discussion with Professor David Fox, Professor of Common Law at the University of Edinburgh, and Lord Hodge, Deputy President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.
Iain Gordon | School of Mathematics
Becky Nisbet has written the following article as part of our series of Academic Interviews; featuring our Head of School Iain Gordon!
Selected publications | School of Mathematics
Selected publications by members of the Optimization and Operational Research group
Tudor Dimofte | School of Mathematics
Sydney Marcy and Manjari Agrawal worked together to produce this article as part of our series of Academic Interviews; featuring Tudor Dimofte!
Jelle Hartong | School of Mathematics
Haaziquah Tahir and Kinga Bagyo worked together to produce this article as part of our series of Academic Interviews; featuring Jelle Hartong!
MA Philosophy
Study MA Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh: entry requirements and what you will study.
Pavel Safronov | School of Mathematics
Elinor Flavell has written the following article as part of our series of Academic Interviews; featuring Pavel Safronov!
MA Celtic and Scottish History
Study MA Celtic and Scottish History at the University of Edinburgh: entry requirements and what you will study.
Sjoerd Beentjes | School of Mathematics
Laura O'Sullivan has written the following article as part of our series of Academic Interviews; featuring Sjoerd Beentjes!