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Found 141 phone number results.

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Found 141 email address results.

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This table shows telephone search results.
NameInformationInternal extensionExternal number
Allsop DavidCentre for Inflammation Research0131 242 6661
Argyle David ProfQMRI (Marianne Watson 242 9313)0131 242 9133
Arnot David ProfBiological Sciences5055030131 650 5503
Aspinall David R ProfInformatics5051770131 650 5177
August David DrChemistry5048180131 650 4818
Barrass DavidBio Sc - ICMB5134780131 651 3478
Beamish David MrMoray House School of Education5161830131 651 6183
Blair David MrBiological Sciences5053170131 650 5317
Brian David MrClin Sc & Comm Health0131 242 7758
Brook David MrEstates5097750131 650 9775
Brown David DrChemistry5047750131 650 4775
Cabrelli David MrLaw School5020680131 650 2068
Cairns David MrECA Design5158670131 651 5867
Cameron DavidEstates5091200131 650 9120
Cameron David ProfIGMM5186200131 651 8620
Carmel David MrPPLS5034550131 650 3455
Caulton David MrCentre for Open Learning - ELC5148340131 651 4834
Cavanagh David DrBiological Sciences5054590131 650 5459
Clark David MrBiological Sciences5077090131 650 7709
Clarke David J DrChemistry5048080131 650 4808