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Found 11484 results from
MSc projects 1819 001 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: Functional outcome of basilar artery occlusion: systematic review & meta-analysis.
MSc projects 1819 002 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: A systematic review of the link between meditation & grey matter volume using structural MRI.
MSc projects 1718 004 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: Myocardial deformation in rats following transverse aortic constriction measured by speckle tracking echocardiography.
MSc projects 1718 007 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: What standard of care do pre-operative CT scans help achieve in emergency general surgical patients who undergo emergency abdominal surgery in a busy district general hospital in England.
MSc projects 1617 002 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: The prevalence of symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis & its risk factors: a meta-analysis.
MSc projects 1617 003 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: Comparison of cystoscopy & computed tomographic urography for the diagnosis of ectopic ureters & other causes of urinary incontinence in dogs - study on 14 cases.
MSc projects 1617 006 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: Incidental findings for a population based brain MRI study in healthy volunteers.
MSc projects 1617 011 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: Impact of core infarct at baseline on clinical outcome in patients undergoing reperfusion therapies.
MSc projects 1516 002 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: The use of continuous quantitative electroencephalography (qEGG) monitoring in predicting ischemia & course of recovery in the acute ischemic stroke patient- correlation with neuroimaging data.
MSc projects 1516 006 | Clinical Sciences
12 Feb 2025: A survey of the use of patient specific modelling for rupture prediction in abdominal aortic aneurysm.