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Lab Group – Bryne Ngwenya – Microbial Geochemistry@ed
Dr . Lilly Liang, Associate Professor, Wuhan University of Geosciences (March 2015-February 2016). ... Dr . Emily Good (PhD, 2002), Forensic Scientist. Dr . Michael Kay (PhD, 2001), Secondary teacher.
March 2022
Keep up the Michael Kors Outlet work." Dr Parker Readymore. “HHHHNNNNgggggg!
Embedding Sustainability Mini-Conference Success – University of Edinburgh Business School
The second annual Sustainability in Business mini-conference was held at the Business School this week with academics and practitioners gathering from across the UK, Europe, and the USA to discuss the topic of Embedding Sustainability.
Planning submission of your PGR application | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: Here is a step-by-step guide to applying for a research degree in the School of Informatics. Please read this guidance carefully before applying for one of our research degrees.
Gaelic Algorithmic Research Group – Page 3 – Rannsachadh digiteach air a' Ghàidhlig ~ Goireasan digiteach airson nan Gàidheal
10 Sep 2021: Co-Investigator Dr Barbara Hillers, Indiana University (Folklore and Ethnomusicology). Dublin City University. ... I have been working alongside Michael ‘Akerbeltz’ Bauer, a Gaelic linguist with extensive credentials.

Claire Tai
- Email:
Supervised by Dr . Michael Nakkula. 2019-2020:. Research Assistant of the Measuring Bodily Emotional Stress (MBES) Project. - ... Supervised by Dr . Heather Nuske. Research Assistant of the Health, Brain, and Behavior (HBB) Project. -

Michael Harris
Michael Harris. Thesis title: The Orphan and Adoption Practices among Catholic Christians and Sunni Muslims: Scripture, Tradition, Experience.
Contemporary Thinking in Marketing: Where Theory Meets Practice: World Class Workshop Conference Summary – University of Edinburgh Business School
The Second International Marketing Conference titled “Contemporary Thinking in Marketing: Where Theory Meets Practice” took place on the 4th and 5th of December at our Business School. The conference aimed at encouraging PhD students to reflect
International development fund to study Human Papillomavirus genotypes in rural Malawi | Pathology
10 Feb 2025: Dr Ramya Bhatia was funded by Microbiology Society International development fund to carry out a four week research project in Nkhoma Church for Central Africa Presbytarian (CCAP) hospital laboratory.
Analysis and Insight | Finance
11 Feb 2025: Responsible for providing analysis and insight on outputs produced from the Transparent Model, Ten Year Forecasts and the annual TRAC submission to government.