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Professor Mona Siddiqui elected as Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture Speaker and Honorary Member | School of Divinity
13 Feb 2025: In December 2020, The Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture elected Professor Mona Siddiqui as Speaker and Honorary Member.
Chemistry duo win prestigious awards
13 Feb 2025: Two Edinburgh scientists have been recognised for their outstanding contributions to the field of chemistry.
Exploring large charge density systems with lattice QCD+QED
12 Feb 2025: Both the complexity of meson, nucleon, and nuclear systems that can be studied using lattice QCD and the precision that can be achieved are steadily increasing. QED effects are being included in lattice calculations of fundamental properties of the
Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe PhD scholarship | School of Divinity
13 Feb 2025: The School of Divinity and the Edinburgh Jewish Studies Network are keen to support suitable candidates working in Modern Jewish Studies to apply for the above scholarship.
Robust Artificial Intelligence for Neurorobotics – Bayes Centre (5th floor) and School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh (26 – 28 August 2019)
Organising Committee. Dr Michael Burke – University of Edinburgh. Dr Simón C. ... Dr Keith Sullivan – US Naval Research Laboratory. Dr Glen Henshaw – US Naval Research Laboratory.
Alexandre Colle won a Main Edge Award of £80,000 for his company Konpanion | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: [12/12/2023] Alexandre Colle from the School of Informatics is amongst the 8 Edinburgh awardees receiving a Scottish Edge award for his innovative initiative that supports people against loneliness and anxiety.

Dr Úna Clancy (MB BAO BCh PhD)
- Email:
Dr Úna Clancy (MB BAO BCh PhD). Scottish Clinical Research Excellence Development Scheme (SCREDS) Clinical Lecturer. ... SM, Thrippleton M, Stringer M, Jardine C, McIntyre D, Barclay G, Hamilton I, Kesseler L, Murphy M, Perri CD, Wu YC, Wardlaw JM.
Animation - BA (Hons) | Edinburgh College of Art
Close Search. Site search. What are you looking for? Submit search.. Image courtesy of Ben Shmulevitch. A student working on a stop-motion project. Animation - BA (Hons). BA (Hons). Features. 4 years. Full-time. Study abroad. Placements. Outline.
Pauline Black | Edinburgh College of Art
In September 2016 Pauline was part of the Aberdeen City team receiving a Will Michael Jazz Diploma in recognition of showing an outstanding commitment to jazz education.
The College of Science & Engineering's Darwin and Maxwell lectures
13 Feb 2025: Two of Edinburgh's most celebrated former students, Charles Darwin and James Clerk Maxwell, went on to lay down fundamental ideas in their fields, a legacy which Edinburgh researchers use every day. The College of Science and Engineering celebrates