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Contesting Computing: Imagining Feminist Technofutures - Edinburgh Futures Institute
13 Nov 2024: This discussion considers the role education has played in developing our technological landscape and how it can help work towards a fairer future.
President of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland | Pathology
11 Feb 2025: At the September 2020 virtual Annual General Meeting of the Pathological Society, it was announced that Professor Mark J Arends (Head of Pathology, University of Edinburgh) has been elected to be the next President of the Pathological Society of
Privacy policy | Finance
11 Feb 2025: Privacy policy for the University of Edinburgh Online Store, ePay
Multi Story Edinburgh-Divinity Graduates | School of Divinity
13 Feb 2025: Divinity graduates Marc, Kirsty, Tommie, Joanna and Marcus feature on this month's Multi Story Edinburgh podcast.
Dr Peter Bankhead wins an Award for Data Analysis in Imaging | Pathology
10 Feb 2025: Dr Peter Bankhead wins an Award for Data Analysis in Imaging
Postgraduate student achievements 2020 | Centre of Regenerative Medicine
12 Feb 2025: 11 December 2020
Investigating Art and the Sacred at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe | School of Divinity
13 Feb 2025: In 2021 Professor Alison Jack and Dr Caleb Froehlich started a one year project funded by the Templeton Religion Trust titled 'Investigating Art and the Sacred at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe: Practice-based Research with Theological Reflection'
School of Divinity appoints first lecturer in Buddhist Languages | School of Divinity
13 Feb 2025: The School of Divinity are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Upali Sraman as our first ever lecturer in Buddhist Languages.
Informatics student named the Undergraduate of the Year | School of Informatics
13 Feb 2025: [26/04/2024] John Sykes, a 3rd year Computer Science student won the 2024 targetjobs Undergraduate of the Year Award in the category of Software Engineering. This year's award ceremony took place on Friday 26 April in London’s Canary Wharf.
Stephen Dolan wins Student Tutor of the Year | School of Divinity
13 Feb 2025: School of Divinity student, Stephen Dolan has won Student Tutor of the Year in this year's EUSA Teaching Awards