Search results
Found 17260 results from all University websites.
Found 17260 Programme results.
Found 17260 phone number results.
Information Services manage the University telephone system and associated services.
Found 17260 email address results.
Our email directory is not a definitive list of all staff at the University. Some of our staff choose not to register.
You can change your entry in the email directory if:
- you do not wish your email address to be visible outside the University.
- you would like your details to be added or updated.
The email directory is managed by Information Services.
Found 17260 results from
Will this send an email notification to the student? | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: A frequently asked question for the Undergraduate Programme update process.
Maintain Examiner fee | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: View guidance on editing External Examiner fee as a 'PGR Thesis Workflow' 'Super User'.
Edit Assessment types | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: View guidance on editing Assessment types as a 'PGR Thesis Workflow' 'Super User'.
Managing exports to payroll | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: Guidance on exporting confirmed timesheet data to a report to send to Payroll.
Research | Edinburgh Law School
Members of the Edinburgh Centre for Commercial Law conduct research in various fields of commercial law.
Working hours, and your rights at work | Careers Service
13 Mar 2025: Our recommendations on how much you should work alongside your studies, and where to find information about your rights at work
Next steps after meeting set up | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: What happens after a meeting invite has been created in Euclid.
Change the date or time of a meeting | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: Process on how to change the date and time of a meeting once it has been set up.
Cancel a 1:1 meeting | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: How to cancel a 1:1 meeting.
Identify students with no activity in the past 60 days | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: How to identify students with no activity in the past 60 days.