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Found 17232 Programme results.
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Found 17232 email address results.
Our email directory is not a definitive list of all staff at the University. Some of our staff choose not to register.
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Found 17232 results from
Research staff: the missing link in teaching and learning? | Institute for Academic Development
14 Mar 2025: Research staff: the missing link in teaching and learning?
Cancel a 1:1 meeting | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: How to cancel a 1:1 meeting.
Who has access to the review | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: Access to a student's annual review is restricted to those who need it.
Correcting an error in the review | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: The student or Principal Supervisor has made an error when completing the review and would like to correct it.
Who has access to use the 'Update' IT tool? | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: A frequently asked question for the Undergraduate Programme update process.
First steps | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: Once Tutors are recruited, School administrators must ensure they can access their staff MyEd and University email accounts
Setting up the attendance register | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: Our guidance explains how to create the student attendance register once the Tutor's EUCLID account is set up
Attendance Register FAQs | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: Some additional comments on student attendance registers
Overview: Managing Assessment types and outcomes | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: View a brief overview of the the EUCLID 'Super user' responsibilities for the 'Postgraduate Research Thesis Workflow', and where to find the IT tools.
Maintaining Funding bodies | Student Administration
15 Mar 2025: View guidance on using EUCLID to add and edit funding bodies to select against disabled student study packages.