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CCBS researchers in major dementia prevention brain imaging project | Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
13 Mar 2025: July 2017: Professor Craig Ritchie and team at the Centre for Dementia Prevention are part of a major brain imaging project - the TriBEKa consortium - looking at the first factors that determine risk of dementia.
Stroke study prompts call for revised treatment guidelines | Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
13 Mar 2025: May 2016: The findings of a study co-led by Professor Rustam Al-Shahi Salman recommend a change in clinical guidelines for the treatment of people who suffer stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage while taking aspirin.
Electrical Power Engineering MSc
Study MSc in Electrical Power Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. Our one-year, postgraduate degree programme includes courses in power conversion components & systems, renewable energy, and electrical engineering. Find out more here.
Welcome to our two new Chancellor's Fellows | Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
13 Mar 2025: Sept 2020: We would like to extend our congratulations and a warm welcome to new Chancellor's Fellows who have joined CCBS over the last few months: Dr Tim Czopka and Dr Bhuvaneish T Selvaraj.
Course content | Clinical Sciences
12 Mar 2025: Hear from our students discussing how they found the course content in their programmes.
Epistemology, Ethics and Mind (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgDip
Study our postgraduate degree programme in Epistemology, Ethics & Mind at the University of Edinburgh. Our online learning programme offers a firm grounding in contemporary philosophical research, with strengths in epistemology, ethics, philosophy
Katherine Shaw, Programme Administrator | Biomedical Sciences
13 Mar 2025: I am the Programme Administrator for second-year courses for the MSc Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health and I am responsible for all non-academic tasks in relation to running these courses.
Brain cooling lessens chances of head injury recovery | Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
13 Mar 2025: A team led by CCBS researchers has found in a clinical trial that head injury patients do not benefit from a therapy that involves cooling their bodies to reduce brain swelling.
Global Health and Infectious Diseases (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Study our postgraduate degree programme in at the University of Edinburgh. Our online learning programme is a professional postgraduate qualification for biomedical, medical, public health, and veterinary personnel. Find out more here.
Professor Angus Walls elected President of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) | Edinburgh Dental Institute
11 Mar 2025: Professor Angus walls has been elected as the 94th President of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).