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Found 24926 results from
Neuroscience (Integrative Neuroscience) MScR
Study MSc by Research in Neuroscience (Integrative Neuroscience) at the University of Edinburgh. Our one-year postgraduate degree programme looks at molecular, cellular, systems, regenerative, cognitive, clinical and computational neuroscience. Find
Palaeontology and Geobiology MScR
Study MSc by Research in Palaeontology & Geobiology at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme is the only such programme in palaeontology and geobiology in the UK and provides training in the use of theoretical, analytical
Philosophy PhD
Study PhD in Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme has particular research interests in epistemology, ethics, history of philosophy, logic and language, mind and cognition, and the philosophy of science. Find
Politics PhD
Study PhD or MSc by Research in Politics & International Relations at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme explores the theory, practice and ethics of politics and governance. Find out more here.
Psychology PhD
Study PhD Psychology at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate research programme covers research in developmental science, human cognitive neuroscience, language, cognition and communication, and differential psychology. Find out more here.
Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Repair MScR
Study Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Repair at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate research degree programme provides cross-disciplinary biomedical training across areas of regenerative medicine, stem cell biology, neurology,
Science and Religion PhD, MPhil
Study PhD, MPhil, or MSc by research in Science and Religion at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate doctorate and masters programmes studies areas in cosmology and faith, evolutionary biology, human uniqueness, the bible and science, among
Scottish History MScR
Study MSc by research in Scottish History at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate masters programme studies Scotland's past from the early medieval period to the present day, enhancing your historical methodology, research and skills. Find
Applied Conservation Genetics with Wildlife Forensics (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Study our online postgraduate degree programme in Applied Conservation Genetics with Wildlife Forensics at the University of Edinburgh. In this part-time, flexible programme, you can specialise in either field. Find out more here.
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Study MSc in Clinical Management of Pain at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme provides a solid, theoretical understanding of the biological, psychological and social concepts that drive, develop and maintain pain. Find