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Found 24765 results from
Film Studies MSc
Study MSc in Film Studies at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme allows you to explore central concepts in the development of film theory and film-philosophy with an emphasis on European and American auteur cinema. Find
Film, Exhibition and Curation MSc
Study MSc in Film, Exhibition & Curation at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme draws on expertise from film festival directors, curators, programmers and filmmakers. Find out more here.
General Surgery (Online Learning) ChM (General Surgery)
Study ChM in General Surgery at the University of Edinburgh. Our online, part-time postgraduate degree programme is offered jointly with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and provides advanced surgical training. Find out more here.
Global Crime, Justice and Security MSc
Study MSc in Global Crime, Justice & Security at the University of Edinburgh Law School. Our postgraduate degree programme studies new global developments in the field of crime, criminal law, justice and security. Find out more here.
Global Environment and Climate Change Law LLM
Study LLM in Global Environment & Climate Change Law at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme studies issues related to environmental protection and the management of natural resources, with special emphasis on climate
Global Environment, Politics and Society MSc
Study MSc in Global Environment, Politics & Society at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme combines environmental politics and environmental sociology with normative philosophy and provides an understanding of global
Graphic Design MA (eca)
Study Graphic Design at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme encourages bold, lateral approaches, with a clear understanding of process and technique, to produce innovative, emotive and enduring design. Find out more here.
History MSc
Study MSc in History at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme covers a range of subject areas from slavery, to European revolutions, to US and the Cold War, to gender and crime. Find out more here.
Human Complex Trait Genetics MSc
Study MSc in Human Complex Trait Genetics at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme is fine-tuned to suit current issues in evolutionary, plant, human and animal genetics. Find out more here.
Human Rights LLM
Study LLM in Human Rights at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme provides you with a theoretical and practical understanding of international human rights law, with particular emphasis on the relationship between human