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Found 24741 results from
Corporate Law LLM
Study LLM in Corporate Law at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme studies legal, economic, financial and comparative matters covering the entire life-cycle of a corporation. Find out more here.
Counselling Studies MSc
Study MSc in Counselling Studies at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme aims to foster the development of critical reflection on the field by professionally qualified practitioners. Find out more here.
Digital Education (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL)
Study our postgraduate degree programme in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh. Our flexible online learning programme includes courses on digital culture, digital education strategy and policy & game-based learning. Find out more here.
English Literature: Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present MSc
Study MSc in English Literature: Literature & Modernity: 1900 to the Present at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme examines a range of literary and theoretical contexts, introducing ways writing and imagination shape
English Literature: Literature and Society: Enlightenment, Romantic and Victorian MSc
Study MSc in English Literature: Literature & Society: Enlightenment, Romantic & Victorian at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme highlights the ways writing in English has shaped or mediated political identities in Engla
European Law LLM
Study LLM in European Law at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme give an in-depth knowledge of EU law, which has become increasingly relevant in the wake of Brexit. Find out more here.
Film Studies MSc
Study MSc in Film Studies at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme allows you to explore central concepts in the development of film theory and film-philosophy with an emphasis on European and American auteur cinema. Find
Food Safety (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Study our postgraduate degree programme in Food Safety at the University of Edinburgh. Our online learning programme incorporates study of pre and post-harvest stages of food production, crop safety, animal welfare and economics of the supply chain.
General Surgery (Online Learning) ChM (General Surgery)
Study ChM in General Surgery at the University of Edinburgh. Our online, part-time postgraduate degree programme is offered jointly with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and provides advanced surgical training. Find out more here.
Global Crime, Justice and Security MSc
Study MSc in Global Crime, Justice & Security at the University of Edinburgh Law School. Our postgraduate degree programme studies new global developments in the field of crime, criminal law, justice and security. Find out more here.