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Found 24715 results from
Operational Research MSc
Study MSc in Operational Research at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme explores how to use mathematical techniques to tackle real-life problems from scheduling flights and routing mobile phone calls, to managing
Operational Research with Computational Optimization MSc
mathematics maths mathematical research operation computational optimization with
Operational Research with Data Science MSc
Study Operational Research with Data Science at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme explores mathematical techniques in tackling problems from scheduling flights and routing mobile phone calls, to managing investments and
Operational Research with Risk MSc
Study Operational Research with Risk at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme explores mathematical techniques in tackling problems from scheduling flights and routing mobile phone calls, to managing investments and
Physical Activity for Health MSc, PgDip (ICL)
Study MSc in Physical Activity for Health at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme draws on the health sciences of psychology, physiology and epidemiology, and on both research and practice. Find out more here.
Social Justice and Community Action (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL)
Study MSc in Social Justice and Community Action at the University of Edinburgh. Our flexible, online postgraduate masters programme, available as a postgraduate certificate or diploma, allows you to consider a range of approaches in communities, in
Statistics and Operational Research MSc
Study MSc in Statistics & Operational Research at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate masters degree programme looks at areas including Bayesian Theory, statistical programming, statistical research skills, risk and logistics, biomedical
Statistics with Data Science MSc
Study MSc in Statistics with Data Science at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate masters degree programme includes courses on classical and Bayesian ideologies, computational statistics, regression, and data analysis on a range of models
Strength and Conditioning MSc
Study MSc, postgraduate certificate or diploma in Strength and Conditioning at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme looks at sport science from a physiology stand-point, while applying knowledge of inter-disciplinary
Architectural History PhD, MPhil
Study PhD or MPhil Architectural History at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme offers expertise across; architectural conservation, history, theory and criticism, digital media and design, and technology, environment and