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Found 23933 results from
The value of listening and listening for values in conservation
30 Aug 2021: 1School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK; 2Independent Researcher, Aberdeen, UK; 3University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 4School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK; 5James Hutton Institute,
WEEK12 Individual Project Proposal Draft – Jingyi Zhong / Curating (2023-2024)[SEM2]
13 Apr 2024: Comment. Name. Email. Website . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ... By submitting this report, you accept that it is accurate and that fraudulent or nuisance complaints may result in action by the University .
How long are your sleeves – Open Badges – Educational Design and Engagement
02 May 2013: The ability to re-surface what is effectively an image with associated meta-data on a website seems a nice simple solution. ... own reflections on whether and how my team, Information Services or Edinburgh University should engage with this phenomena.
BSc Earth Sciences
Study BSc Earth Sciences at the University of Edinburgh: entry requirements and what you will study.
BSc Environmental Geoscience
Study BSc Environmental Geoscience at the University of Edinburgh: entry requirements and what you will study.
BA Interior Design
Study BA Interior Design at the University of Edinburgh: entry requirements and what you will study.
Web Continuity - Preserving Content and Preserving the Network
17 Nov 2008: Preserving Government Websites
Football, The World Cup and the Black, Black Oil – Sport Matters
11 Dec 2022: Comment. Name. Email. Website . Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. ... By submitting this report, you accept that it is accurate and that fraudulent or nuisance complaints may result in action by the University .
MA Architectural History and Archaeology
Study MA Architectural History and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh: entry requirements and what you will study.
MA Architectural History and Heritage
Study MA Architectural History and Heritage at the University of Edinburgh: entry requirements and what you will study.