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Found 23412 results from
The Past, Present, and Future of Teaching Business – University of Edinburgh Business School
With 100 years of teaching under its belt, how has the School's approach to teaching changed to reflect the world of business? We brought together a trio of academics (who are also alumni) to answer that question.
Sprint 1 weird – Tianxing Peng / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1]
30 Sep 2022: Comment. Name. Email. Website . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ... By submitting this report, you accept that it is accurate and that fraudulent or nuisance complaints may result in action by the University .
Environmental Sustainability
Study MSc by Research in Environmental Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme explores energy systems in relation to climate change, sustainability policies, and organisation behaviour. Find out more here.
Digital Communications
Study MSc by Research in Digital Communications at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme delivers world-leading research in signal and image processing and communications from fundamental theoretical and algorithmic work.
Energy Systems
Study MSc by Research in Energy Systems programme at the University of Edinburgh. Postgraduate research covers all aspects of the low carbon energy chain: resource modelling, impact of climate change, wind, wave, tidal & solar energy, electrical
Infrastructure and the Environment
Study MSc by Research in Infrastructure & the Environment at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme includes research on fire science and fire safety engineering, water supply, high-speed rail, and waste management and
Materials and Processes
Study MSc by Research in Materials & Processes at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme brings together researchers from materials science and chemical, mechanical and bio-engineering, conducting world-class research. Find
Applications now open for the Designing Responsible NLP Centre for Doctoral Training | Edinburgh Law School
Share. News & events. Useful links. The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. ... Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all material is copyright 2025 The University of Edinburgh, School of
Future-Ready with AI: Executive Education for Senior Managers and Professionals – University of Edinburgh Business School
The University of Edinburgh is at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and education, building on a rich legacy that spans over six decades. In 2023, the School of Informatics celebrated 60 years of ground breaking achievements in
Reflections on our Adult Colouring Book Workshops – Colouring books blog
27 Feb 2019: Our source images for the workshop were all downloaded from the University of Edinburgh Collections. ... Comment. Name. Email. Website . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.