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Found 19486 results from
Modernising Contract Law in Scotland | Edinburgh Law School
As a Scottish Law Commissioner, Professor Hector MacQueen helped to modernise contract law in regards to execution in counterpart and third party rights in Scotland. His work led to the Legal Writings (Counterparts and Delivery) (Scotland) Act 2015
Student Blog – Ectogenesis: Equality or Captivity for Women? – The Mason Institute Blog
07 Jan 2025: Comment. Name. Email. Website . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ... Recent posts. Scroll to the top. Academic Blogging Service provided by the University of Edinburgh.
Climate Change Management (Online Learning)
Study MSc in Climate Change Management (Online Learning) at the University of Edinburgh.
Global Health Studies (Online Learning)
Study our postgraduate degree programme in Global Health Studies at the University of Edinburgh. Our online learning programme includes subjects in animal health, biodiversity, conservation, forensics, infectious diseases, sanitation and water
RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Online Learning)
Study RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice at the University of Edinburgh. Our flexible, online postgraduate professional development programme is awarded by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and equips you with the skills
MA English Literature and History
Study MA English Literature and History at the University of Edinburgh: entry requirements and what you will study.
Semisimple Quantum Cohomology,deformations of stability conditions and the derived ...
06 Jul 2006: I am also indebted tothe algebraic geometry group at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor for frequenthospitality. ... O(in) (for any i). Exceptional systemswere studied extensively by a group at the Moscow University , see e.
Sound chamber – Colouring books blog
31 May 2021: Comment. Name. Email. Website . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ... By submitting this report, you accept that it is accurate and that fraudulent or nuisance complaints may result in action by the University .
Digital Media Design (Online Learning)
Study MSc in Digital Media Design at the University of Edinburgh. Our flexible online postgraduate degree programme investigates practice contexts for application across the arts, entertainment, performance and industry. Find out more here.
Global Challenges (Online Learning)
Study MSc by Research in Global Challenges at the University of Edinburgh. Our online, part-time postgraduate degree programme addresses new ways of thinking about international development, from an environmental and health perspective. Find out