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Found 19795 results from
Access | Traveller Genes
11 Mar 2025: Are you a researcher interested in accessing Traveller Genes volunteer data? Find out more about what we have available and how to find it here.
Fees and funding
14 Mar 2025: Information on fees and funding for prospective undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Research exchange | Women Make Cities
11 Mar 2025: The network hosts and participates in events that explore network themes. Researcher exchanges include lunchtime discussions, researcher-in-residence led events associated with their emerging work, and a symposium to share creative outcomes held in
Looking after your friends (whilst avoiding burnout) | Student Wellbeing Service
11 Mar 2025: Join the Student Wellbeing Service for an online webinar that will discuss ways to look after your friends and others, whilst avoiding burnout yourself.
Extra-terrestrial mining | Edinburgh Friends
11 Mar 2025: A new investigation by University researchers on the International Space Station is asking the question: could we unleash microbes to mine rocks in space?
Social Responsibility & Sustainability | Corporate Services
11 Mar 2025: Leads the university 's efforts in environmental and social sustainability, aiming to position the University as a leader in these critical areas.
Alumni news – University of Edinburgh Business School
Browse our most recent alumni news stories, including coverage of past alumni community events and the successes of our alumni.
Information for Visitors - Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
Research visits, visitors, travel
Usher Institute - Edinburgh Futures Institute
18 Jan 2024: Transforming health in society by working with people, populations and data.
Fast facts – University of Edinburgh Business School
Interested in knowing a few facts about the School? The following is a breakdown of some statistics about our staff, programmes, and student numbers.