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Found 19545 results from
Saliva (spit) sample | Traveller Genes
11 Mar 2025: Not sure how to provide a saliva sample, or want to see what you'll be asked to do? Take a look at our instructional video which will guide you through it step by step.
New online postgraduate programme in Surgical Writing and Evidence Based Practice. | Clinical Sciences
11 Mar 2025: Edinburgh Surgery Online are proud to present this new programme.
Summary Report 2021 | British Sign Language Plan
13 Mar 2025: A summary report of BSL Plan work carried out between 2019 - 2021.
Recycling a Hospital - Edinburgh Futures Institute
31 Jul 2023: Our ‘Recycling a Hospital’ project aims to reuse materials from the reconstruction of the Old Royal Infirmary, the future home of the Edinburgh Futures Institute.
University ’s Staff Immigration Service | Global
12 Mar 2025: Recently appointed, Jen Todd, who is an Immigration Legal Advisor at Edinburgh Global, talks about recent changes to the University ’s Staff Immigration Service.
Supercomputers help explain why Universe has almost no anti-matter
12 Mar 2025: Powerful supercomputers have shed light on the behaviour of key sub-atomic particles, in a development that could help explain why there is almost no anti-matter in the Universe.
Heads of business area | Information Compliance
11 Mar 2025: Heads of Colleges and Schools and managers of administrative and support services have particular responsibilities.
PEERS Cultural Adaptations Study | Salvesen Mindroom Research Centre
13 Mar 2025: The project investigates the cultural acceptability of an American scheme, called the PEERS Program, and making appropriate adaptations for use in Scotland.
Key things to consider | Global
12 Mar 2025: There are some important things to consider before you apply for a Study and Work Away activity, to help you decide what and where is right for you. Researching key aspects of prospective destinations before you depart can also make it easier to
Purely Elastastic Instabilities and Turbulence
12 Mar 2025: Professor Alexander Morozov ( School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Edinburgh). ... View and complete the application form (on the main University website ).