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Found 15397 results from
Pay Dates and Payroll Deadlines | Finance
11 Mar 2025: In general, pay day for the University is the 28th of each month; unless it falls on a weekend, in which case it is the Friday preceding the 28th.
Judith Mackay | Alumni
12 Mar 2025: Based in Hong Kong since the late sixties, committed feminist Professor Judith Mackay is a leading advocate of tobacco control, a role that comes with powerful industry adversaries.
Archive | School of Divinity
14 Mar 2025: A collection of past news articles from the School of Divinity.
Oliver Escobar | School of Social and Political Science
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (2003). MPhil in Policy Making (2002-2004). Master in Public Management and TQM (2003-2004). ... Digital Democratic Innovations ( Postgraduate course since 2022). In 2021 and 2022, we hosted a Summer School on Democratic
Funding opportunities | Institute for Academic Development
14 Mar 2025: Principal's Teaching Award Scheme (PTAS), and other possible funding opportunities related to learning and teaching enhancement.
Inequalities and school curriculum: Informing policy on widening access to higher education and promoting social mobility | Moray House School of Education and Sport
15 Mar 2025: Research carried out by an international team of researchers led by Professor Iannelli provided new knowledge on the role of the school curriculum in widening access to higher education and promoting social mobility, which informed the work of the
Study advice | Institute for Academic Development
14 Mar 2025: If you want advice and guidance about your studies, there are a number of places you can go to. Information on IAD study skills consultations and links to online booking.
Edinburgh Winter Warmer Run | Alumni
14 Mar 2025: Alumni, students and staff are being offered an opportunity to come together for a run around Arthur’s Seat.
EPMA technical information | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Find technical information including instrument specification and support equipment available. We have also provided information on sample preparation requirements .
Information about you
14 Mar 2025: Why we collect your information and how to update your personal information.