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Found 15347 results from
Cameron Henderson | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Cameron, an MSc GeoEnergy graduate, discusses the challenges and rewards of working in a fast paced industry and the importance of a dissertation to a potential employer.
Contact | School of Mathematics teaching information
13 Mar 2025: All contact details including key contact personnel, undergraduate and MSc programme staff, and the directory of all people in the school.
External examining | Student Administration
16 Mar 2025: Information on the role and policy for taught External Examiners, handbooks for external examining of taught and research degrees, nomination forms and the External Examiner Reporting System.
Applications | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Find out about applications for cosmogenic nuclide concentrations. For example, cosmogenic nuclide concentrations are commonly used to determine ‘exposure ages’ and ‘erosion rates’.
Masters programmes | School of Philosophy, Psychology and language sciences
12 Mar 2025: Course content, fees, funding and how to apply
15 Mar 2025: Undergraduate entry requirements for students from Zambia.
Alison Stewart | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Alison details how she still uses the skills developed from the BSc Ecological and Environmental Sciences in her current role within the biotech industry.
Romesh Palamakumbura | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Romesh talks about geology as a lifestyle and how friendships forged during field work are friendships for life.
After you've accepted your offer
16 Mar 2025: We will send welcome information to you before you start.
VOILAb Postdoc Opportunities | VOILAb: Vortex Interaction Laboratory
16 Mar 2025: Apply: before 15/10/2024, 23:59. Health and Safety Requirements : no key hazards identified for this post. ... If successful, an international applicant requiring sponsorship to work in the UK will need to satisfy the UK Home Office’s English Language