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Found 15349 results from
Costs for use | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: The Ion Micro-Probe time is allocated in a block of eight hours (eg 9am-5pm) and charged at a rate depending on the funding body.
Masters students | Literatures Languages and Culture
16 Mar 2025: Funding opportunities for masters candidates in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures.
Criminal records checks
16 Mar 2025: We require criminal records checks for a small number of degree programmes that lead to professions working with children or vulnerable adults.
Assessment regulations | Student Administration
16 Mar 2025: Current taught and postgraduate research programmes assessment regulations and previous academic years' assessment regulations.
Conor Ellis | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Conor, an MA Geography graduate, highlights the importance of community at university and how fieldwork in Amsterdam led the way to his future career.
Magdalena Drafiova | DCC
Before her tenure at DMPonline, Magdalena honed her organisational skills at the Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) at the University of Glasgow, developing requirements for a CRM platform. ... Magdalena holds an undergraduate degree in History of Arts from
Workshops | Institute for Academic Development
14 Mar 2025: Study development workshops we run for undergraduates to help you succeed with your studies. Course information and booking.
Paying a Bill | Finance
11 Mar 2025: Payment of bills issued by the University can be made in a number of ways.
Vojta Hybl | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Vojta, a BSc Geology and Physical Geography graduate, discusses the benefits of hands-on learning during field trips, and the flexibility to choose a wide range of courses to tailor your interests.
Equipment and sample requirements | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Technical information for users of the facility including instrument specification, and requirements necessary for sample preparation.