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Found 15345 results from
Laura Young | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Laura Young, a former student of MSc Environmental Protection and Management, talks about taking advantage of opportunities and being prepared to take on any challenge, however uncomfortable.
Our biochar facilities | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: We have a range of bespoke biochar development and production facilities including small, medium and large pyrolysis units.
Kaja Horn | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Kaja discusses being taught by some of the UK's leading researchers within the MSc Energy, Society and Sustainability programme, and why you should make the most of the resources available to you at university.
Physical geography laboratories | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Our physical geography laboratories support undergraduate teaching such as classes, fieldwork and dissertation projects, as well as research undertaken by postgraduate students, research and academic staff.
Albite glass on paragonite 'rose' | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: The image shows sheets of paragonite formed at 800ºC, 9 kbar during an experiment to measure the solubility of natural albite. The edges of the paragonite sheets are decorated with rods and beads of albite glass. The paragonite crystals are so thin
Gary Chan | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Gary shares how studying BSc Ecological and Environmental Sciences led him to the field of environmental consultancy.
Jimmy Paul | GeoSciences
15 Mar 2025: Jimmy, an MA Geography graduate, gives us an insight into his role as Head of Scotland's Violence Reduction Unit and how his background growing up in the care system influenced his University experience.
DCC - Cartography
requirements .</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-standards field-type-entityreference field-label-above"><div class="field-label">Standards: </div><div class="field-items"><div ...
DCC - Topography
requirements .</p> </div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-standards field-type-entityreference field-label-above"><div class="field-label">Standards: </div><div class="field-items"><div ...
Disabled applicants
16 Mar 2025: Support and advice for disabled students on applying to Edinburgh.