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For Business | Finance
11 Mar 2025: Information for suppliers and customers of the University, including how to pay bills.
Finance Services | Finance
11 Mar 2025: List of Finance Teams
Lenses of a Trilobite Eye | GeoSciences
15 Mar 2025: Latex replica, of a mould in fine sandstone, of a trilobite eye (Dalmanitina socialis, Ordovician Bohemia) which shows details of the inner surface of the lenses. In life, a thin calcitic bowl was attached to this inner surface so that the
Travel Requirements | DCC
In some cases, you may not need a visa but will still need to carry additional documentation for entry . ... Please double-check your travel requirements to ensure you are fully prepared.
Student Partnership Agreement Small Project funding | Institute for Academic Development
14 Mar 2025: Funding of up to £1000 for projects that involve meaningful collaboration between University of Edinburgh staff and students.
Global Change Seminar Series | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: The Global Change seminars are an interdisciplinary series exploring global change issues aimed at an audience of staff and students from a wide range of fields.
Computational Physics
18 Mar 2025: BSc entry requirements (on main University website). ... MPhys entry requirements (on main University website). Degree Programme Tables are published by the University and provide full details of the structure and content of each degree programme.
Rosa Brandon | GeoSciences
15 Mar 2025: Rosa shares her experience of studying an MSc in Environment and Development.
Chemical analysis facilities | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Our School offers a wide range of geochemical facilities for the the analysis of soils, sediments, plant material, water samples and biochar extracts. We support research and teaching, as well as academic and commercial analytical services for
Payroll Services | Finance
11 Mar 2025: Our new payroll services, supported by the People and Money system, went live in April 2022. You can find all of the information you need on our services including how to request a payment, what forms to use, and supporting information below.