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Master of Public Health (MPH) On Campus | Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences
11 Mar 2025: We look forward to seeing your application soon
VISA information | DCC
People from certain countries need a valid Irish entry visa before arriving in the State, whether by air, sea or land. ... This means that you will still be subject to immigration control at the point of entry to the State even if you have a visa.
Meet our Graduates: Cristina Sandu | Literatures Languages and Culture
16 Mar 2025: Having graduated with an MSc in Comparative Literature in 2015, Cristina is now a prize-winning writer and translator.
How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications | DCC
As with other citations, this involves providing an in-text pointer to an entry in the reference list. ... After filling out a metadata entry form and uploading the data files associated with a study, the author submits the data for review.
About us | Institute for Academic Development
14 Mar 2025: Information about the IAD remit, staff contacts, location, newsletters, and recent projects. Plus an index of our major activities.
Contact us | GeoSciences
15 Mar 2025: Enquiries are most welcome. Please ensure that you read our information on our degrees, application information, funding opportunities and projects before getting in touch.
Making offers to applicants
16 Mar 2025: An offer to study at Edinburgh will be either 'conditional' or 'unconditional'.
Postgraduate Virtual Open Day for 2022 entry - an Introduction to the MSc in Creative Writing - Media Hopper Create
18 Mar 2025: Join Dr Jane Alexander for a virtual introduction to the MSc in Creative Writing at the University of Edinburgh. This short video is for students hoping to start our MSc programme in September 2022. In the session, Jane outlines
Contact the EPMA Facility | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Contact details and information on access to the facility and tephra analysis for staff, students and visitors. Enquiries from those interested in obtaining data are also welcome.
Equipment and software | GeoSciences
14 Mar 2025: Technical information for users of the facility including the Bruker D8 Advance with Sol-X Energy Dispersive detector, associated analysis software and support equipment.